Crowns & Bridges
It is vitally important that any damage to your teeth is addressed as soon as possible so that the structural integrity of your teeth is not compromised.
Fortunately, our Crown and Bridges procedures provide additional options for our clients to restore the aesthetic, structural and functional features of their teeth.
Both Crown & Bridge procedures use synthetic materials, intentionally designed to seamlessly blend with the look of natural teeth. They are both bonded to the teeth using dental cement.
Dental Crown treatments are required when a tooth has undergone a root canal treatment or if a tooth is damaged, misaligned or defective. The treatment involves the design of a custom-made crown, made to precisely encapsulate and fit over the damaged tooth. This therefore restores the original appearance of the tooth and the tooths functional ability.

A bridge procedure is used to ‘bridge’ the gap between two adjacent teeth separated by a gap caused by a missing tooth. Most importantly, the procedure reinstates the structural function of the teeth, as well as the aesthetic look of your smile. The procedure is often used following the extraction of a tooth and can significantly help to prevent the negative ramifications that can occur following the removal of a tooth.